
E Adopt/Breed/Rescue Mentoring List The following TSCA members are available to mentor individuals on Tibetan Spaniels in their area: Letty Afong, MS – 228-396-3025 Deborah Ayer, FL – Barbara Berg – Hammond, WI...

Breeder’s Referral

E Breed Info Breeder’s Referral Find A Breeder If you are considering owning a Tibetan Spaniel, the Tibetan Spaniel Club of America urges you to deal with a knowledgeable and responsible breeder. Please read over TSCA’s Breeder’s Code of Ethics to better understand...


E Breed Info Guidelines Mission The goal of TSCA, Inc. is to place rescue Tibetan Spaniels into caring and loving environments and to enhance the love of the breed. TSCA commits to the following: To educate the general public about the importance of researching...


E Adopt/Breed/Rescue Adopt Deciding to Adopt a Tibetan Spaniel. Tibetan Spaniels are a small, lively VERY intelligent little dog. They are very family-orientated and are convinced that the family is there to placate every whim of the tibbie. Although they thrive on...