About TSCA
Judge’s Education

I am Linda Foiles, and currently the Judges Education Chairperson for the TSCA, Inc. Being an educator by trade; has prepared me for the aforementioned position. I have held this chairperson’s position for a number of years. This position has been held by others in the past and I have learned about the Tibetan Spaniel from the guardians of our breed. I share that knowledge with those wishing to learn about our special breed and the well kept secrets they possess. The Tibetan Spaniel or “Tibbie” as they are affectionately known, is truly a one in a million breed!
I have been involved in the sport of dogs since the age of nine years old through my family’s involvement in the sport. I finished my first dog at the age of 13 and have been hooked ever since. I became involved with the Tibetan Spaniel, prior to AKC recognition. My long involvement with the breed has brought me many, many years of pleasure. Through this involvement I have also become an AKC approved judge for the Tibbie and several other breeds.
It is the goal of the TSCA, its Board members and general membership alike, to educate those wishing to judge our breed. This education is the most important activity that the Board oversees each year. Merely, reading the written standard does not always give the reader a true picture, in their minds eye, as to what is true breed type and quality. It is through education and hands on learning that the trainee gets a better idea as to what makes the ideal Tibetan Spaniel.
The TSCA, Inc. holds several Judges Education seminars each year both in conjunction with our National Specialty as well as different judges groups throughout the country. A list of approved mentors is available through the website or by contacting me at flolintwo@aol.com. Our mentors have been involved in the breed for many years and will help you with ringside mentoring when possible.
Realizing that you can not truly learn a breed by one 2 hour lesson or watching the breed for a day at our National; we provide seminar attendees with a copy of our Illustrated Standard, the breed interpretation from a noted English breeder and author plus a copy of the presentation CD, among other items. This is done so that you may revisit important points about the breed, at your leisure, for a refresher course when necessary.
The Tibetan Spaniel is a unique, loving breed that is sometimes independent and cat like. We hope you will enjoy learning more about the breed and discover just how unique they are but remember they are a well kept secret and we like it that way!
In addition, TSCA offers mentoring that is open to anyone interested: judges or the general public. To learn more visit our Mentoring page.